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You're the only one here who understands me, Sugar.

wanted2: Love in English точную цитату можно взять с сайта cynbythesea.com You're the only one here who understands me, Sugar. "Ты одна меня понимаешь" признался Вальтер Ник в серии 4 "Благотворительность", 1 сезона но на английском его красивое признание в любви тоже звучит так, что заслушаешься. хочется собрать немного признаний на английском, подтверждающих истину "человек человеку друг" ) плюс меня заинтересовали самые лучшие признания в любви или в симпатии и на русском, и из фанфиков, и под прикрытием картинки . присоединяйтесь, по возможности... дорогие Sugar

Ответов - 33

wanted2: Chandler: What are you thinking, Nikita? Nikita: About you. About the street you grew up on. Not unlike the one I grew up on. Chandler: I know. Nikita looks up at him in shock, thinking he discovered her true identity. Ник подумала, что и Алек единственный, кто ее понимает, тк вырос на улице это прозвучало во время танца немного, как признание

wanted2: Well, if it concerns Alec... Chandler, it concerns me. если это касается Алека Чендлера, то касается и меня Ник продолжает гнуть свою линию про симпатию к Алеку Michael: I do what I have to do. We all do. ... It's not what I would choose to do for myself ... or for us. Майкл в конце пришел признаться в любви, коротко и ясно us! мы !

wanted2: 5.Charity episodes , Season 1 Helen to Nik I ve been waiting for this for years. And now here you are more beautiful and wonderful than I ever could have imagined. One look in your eyes and I knew I'd never be the same Listen to me. The typical Mom Я в шоке вот это признание Хэлен отгрохала.

wanted2: 6 Love episodes, season 1 Ник признается в любви Майкло-питеру Bauer: So, where did you two meet? Michael and Nikita exchange a look. Michael settles back into character, gives a slight smile. Michael: Oh, that was in-- Nikita: (interrupting him loudly) Rio. During Carnival. The first time I remember seeing him was in my bed, the morning after. I don't know how we got there, we were totally wasted. Peter's my first, my only-- (goes over and bites Michael gently on the jaw) --true love. (Michael stares intently at Nikita's act.) --------------- 2. They dance, very slowly, staring at each other. The song goes: 'Cos I can't go on living, being your sometimes man. Bauer watches them closely; he doesn't seem drunk now. Girlfriend: You two look so beautiful together. Michael: Sage is beautiful. Girlfriend: You must be in love. Michael: We are. Bauer throws his glass, shattering it. Nikita jumps slightly

wanted2: 7 Treason episodes, season 1 Roger &his love The only thing I ever did right in my whole life. I had a son...... All the time the Section was training me, that was the only thing I had to hang on to, you know? My boy, my son.

wanted2: 8. Escape episodes, season 1 Michael ask Nik let their love exist... No one from the outside can understand who we are. We fight all the time just to stay alive. Let's not fight what between us.

Kate_C: wanted2 Оль, ты темку эту не бросай хорошо выходит у тебя

wanted2: noise in the bar birkoff: what about you? Nikita: Me? Birkoff: Yeah. You, me. The two of us. Why not? You're the best looking girl in Section... and you care about me, right? Nikita: sure I care Birkoff: Then what's the problem?

wanted2: Война. Майкл и Ник в клетках. Michael: When I was in there and it started to get bad... Nikita: (interrupting him) Michael, don't. Save your strength. Michael: (continuing) I thought I was gonna break, but I didn't. I though of you. You're the only one of us who still has a soul. (Nikita tries to smile) I'm so, sorry, Nikita. (Nikita smiles now) We'll never leave this place alive. I don't know what love is anymore... but the only part of me that's not dead is you.

wanted2: 122 Милосердие Ник говорит о любви к людям и о своей потребности в свободе. Where you see targets, and security risks. I see flesh and blood. Someone's son, someone's frirend. I need to know that one day I will be free...

wanted2: 201 возвращение. Hard landing Terrorist leader : we have one of your operatives. No latex, no special effects.(терику нра Блонди) Michael: I never realized I needed you so much (Дошло, как до жирафа) Birkoff: Nikita! (Первая встреча после взрыва )

wanted2: и ненависть сюда же можно написать . от любви до ненависти один шаг 401 Мэдлин "She will no longer be capable of forming an emotional bond with anyone." торжествует Она больше не сможет установить эмоциональную связь . ни с кем

wanted2: 401 Мик Штоппель и Майкл - театр двух актеров)) -Michael, if you take that, they will find out and blame me." -That's possible. -Если ты это заберешь это, они узнают и обвинят меня! -возможно

wanted2: 402 Мик облился вином и побежал в ванну за прибором. Ник зашла Nikita: What are you doing? Mick: I lost a contact lens and it's very hard to find with all of this rigmarole. Nikita: You're working with Michael. Я уронил контактную линзу - ты работаешь с Майклом ))

wanted2: 1 season 12 innocent Rudy and his sister Belinda Belinda: no one in the whole world wide world will ever hurt u. If they even try, they have to come trough me , I will karate them down in pieces. Rudy: who's a big girl? Belinda : I am Rudy : U dont need me to call u every night though. Right? Belinda: I need u a lot more than I ever have , because u r my only brother that I have got . So, remember that

wanted2: ну вот наконец-то долбанная любовь опять найдена - отлично сделано в другом сериале! СТаниславский - ВЕРЮ сЕРИАЛ "сотНЯ " оКТАВИЯ И ЕЩЕ КОЕ-КТО душераздирающая история.... под катом спойлер не смотрите, чтоб не портить впечатление https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfFGqkIuAsA

wanted2: серия 310 under the influence я никогда не выдам брата... (Карл и его брат Simon ) Karl: I will never give up my brother Madeline: I know

wanted2: 311 walk on by настоящая мать Никиты Roberta: Nikita? Nikita? I was never a mother to you. You know, when I - I think back on our time together, I feel like my heart is ripping out, and I'm so ashamed. I... What I need to say to you, sweetie, the reason I tried so hard to find you, is - is - that - that wasn't me. This is me. And you're in my heart. And you always have been. And you al - you always will be. You know... you know I'm sure that there's - there's one memory in there - a fond memory - and that if you really try hard enough you can find it. Please. I want... I want you to find it, please, and take it with you. (kisses her forehead) (Nikita thinks of the dance) Roberta slowly emerges from Nikita's room, falls against a wall sighing, then speaks to Michael. Roberta: I want her taken off life support and her organs donated to someone who can use them. Roberta leaves, Michael waits for Nikita. Inside the room, Nikita opens wet eyes and starts crying.

wanted2: Threshold Of Pain Марк и Анджела играли в любовь, но этот рассказ про любовь к жизни ) Mark: I didn't plan it, but I walked into Operations' office, I wanted to live

wanted2: Beyond The Pale Ник и Майки в классном доме , французская пластинка Nikita: I'm so glad you brought me here. I wish we could stay. Michael: (pauses) Let's not think about the future. Let's just enjoy this while it lasts. насладимся моментом пока он длится... Мальчик умеет растворяться в "здесь и сейчас"))

wanted2: Hand To Hand про любовь к жизни... тем временем тебе удается кое-что важное... Прожить еще один день после самого жесткого задания с секс-рабством Ник растворяется дома в доброте Вальтера. Nikita: How do you do it? How do you stay sane? What's the secret? Walter: Knowing when to lie, and when to tell the truth. Nikita: To them? Walter: To yourself. At night you go to bed knowing you live in hell. That's the truth. Nikita: And the lie? Walter: You wake up in the morning thinking that this day may change everything... you'll escape, you'll fall in love, they'll close the place up and send everybody home. Nikita: Then that night you have to face the truth again. Walter: Yeah. But in the meantime, you've accomplished that's truly remarkable. You've made it through another day.

wanted2: Before I sleep умирающая Сара и Майкл искренняя улыбка Майкла Sarah: I don’t know. You seem like you’re thinking about someone. Michael: We’re not here to talk about me. Sarah: I thought that you were here to make me feel comfortable. Michael: I am. Sarah: Talking about you does make me feel comfortable. Michael: (smiles, impressed) Okay. I’ll tell you about her.

wanted2: I remember Paris Ник, Шеф и невиновные .. любовный треугольник Nikita: Killing her is not going to make him talk. Operations: We'll find out. Matteo, seeing them distracted, pulls a gun from his desk but Nikita shoots him before he can kill Operations. Nikita: Now there's no reason to kill her. Operations: She’s seen us. Nikita: She does not know Brogan. Look at yourself. You talk about all the innocent people we protect. You’ve got one sitting right in front of you and you’re going to kill her. Operations: (pulls back his gun) We have less than sixteen hours. (he stalks out)

wanted2: All good things Безусловная власть Шефа Birkoff: There’s no right or wrong anymore with Michael, Nikita. He’s the new Operations. He can do whatever he wants.

wanted2: Third party ripoff work &life balance любовь Майкл и Ник и статус 5 уровня: Michael: I want my status reinstated. Operations: What about you and Nikita? Michael: It's over Michael: No. I just came by to tell you something. It's not over. We will be together. He kisses her hand and leaves. She smiles

wanted2: any means necessary Биркофф попал в секту. Ник спасла его Birkoff: I was doing what I had to do. Nikita: Including setting me up. Birkoff: Why do you think I picked that bar? You told me yourself that you knew it well. Don’t you remember telling me about that trap door behind the bar when you guys came back from the mission? I knew you had a way to get out. I knew you could look after yourself. I had to get you to convince Operations that I’d crossed over and hopefully not get you hurt. Take me to my post; I will prove it to you. сестра и брат

wanted2: three eyed turtle Бирки и Грег батл // это называется черная дорожка!!!! VAN ACCESS The mission team returns. Birkoff is seriously angry. Birkoff: (to Greg) Nice try! Greg: What, are you talking to me? Birkoff: (grabbing a tape from Greg’s computer) You’re the one who tried to kill me. Greg: What are you talking about? Birkoff: What am I talking about? (Birkoff starts a tape running) It’s called black track. It shows what you tried to do. Right here, you cut the surveillance loop – gave away my position. You knock out my monitor. Then you send me out to get killed. Didn’t know we could do that, did you? Resident genius! (Operations is standing behind them, Greg notices) He’s the one that screwed up in Bucharest. I covered for him. (Operations stands there, looking angry)

wanted2: playing with fire диалог между смертью и жизнью , между Мэдлин и Вальтером MADELINE'S OFFICE Madeline: Did you really think you could get away with this? Walter: It doesn’t matter. It’s what they wanted. It’s called living. Madeline: Living. Walter: Look it up, it’s in the dictionary. Madeline: Walter, you’re a 60 year old teenager. (Walter smiles and takes a bow) By helping them, you’re only jeopardizing their future. Walter: And what future might that be? Madeline: We have bigger plans for Michael and Nikita. Walter: All they wanted was to be together, that’s all. Madeline: You and I aren’t privy to what goes on when they’re together, are we? Walter: (sighs) What are you going to do to me? Madeline: It depends on your level of cooperation. Walter: What do you want to know? Madeline: Everything.

wanted2: 322 on borrowed time переписка на экране , детка, они нас накрыли, но мы выскользнем однозначно)) screen says “they are up to something” Screen says “We’ll find a way”. Nikita: Perhaps you’re right. Michael: Definitely.

wanted2: 401 getting out of reverse без нормальной Никиты от Майкла осталась в 4 сезоне только майка и голограмма Birkoff: Hey Walter ... what's going on? Walter: I don't know, but it looks bad, amigo. Birkoff: They're going after Michael. Davenport: ( pausing outside of Michael's office) Sir, we're here, requesting final confirmation. Operations: ( pauses for a moment, as if thinking it over one last time) Kill him. They walk into Michael's office and shoot. It's not Michael. It's a hologram. Davenport: Sir, we have a problem. что я без тебя?? что я и зачем? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EjNzS5ss9Y

wanted2: 402 There are no missions рыбку Дори съела акула Мэдлин COMM CENTER Dori comes slowly back into Comm. She looks zoned. Sits back down. Dori: What do you need me to do? Birkoff: Run a defrag. Dori: Right away. (бу сделано ) А Мэдлин сама плавает у Майкла в аквариуме пищевая цепочка

wanted2: https://teksty-pesenok.ru/rus-igor-nadzhiev/tekst-pesni-chto-ya-bez-tebya/1809428/ Игорь Наджиев песня начинается с 1минут 20 сек Что я без тебя Легче облака и нежней, Спит в ладони моей твоя, И эту ночь ты не торопи. Я не стою любви твоей И прошу тебя снова я, Прошу тебя: "Лишь не разлюби". Вдруг взглянешь, не любя, Скажешь, не любя: "Это - насовсем". И... что я без тебя? Что я без тебя? Что я и зачем? Зачем? Ты - единственный луч во тьме, В этом мире, что так жесток. И я шепчу: "Лишь не разлюби". Словно узник я, что в тюрьме Нежный вырастить смог цветок. Забыв его, ты не погуби. Вдруг взглянешь, не любя, Скажешь, не любя: "Это - насовсем". И... что я без тебя? Что я без тебя? Что я и зачем? Зачем? Вдруг взглянешь, не любя, Скажешь, не любя: "Это - насовсем". И что я без тебя? Что я без тебя? Что я и зачем? Зачем?

wanted2: В общем, кто ищет любовь или поддержку и ее не находит, то могу рекомендовать Оптину пустынь . термоядерное средство Всем желаю счастья, спасения души, любви и помощи Божией во всех делах Прощайте, други

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